The guys who play at the local game store have this kind of impromptu tradition of going to breakfast together before the tournament starts. Even though I wasn't playing in this particular tournament I met up with all of them. Over breakfast I got to talking with my buddy who plays marines. And then we did some more talking, and then I was pretty much done for. I had marines on the brain. The powered armored demon had a grip on my soul. My Dark Eldar Wracks had to move aside for a bit, I was going to need brushes to exorcise this evil.
I like the Assault on Black Reach marine contingent a lot. I think the models are really cool for what they are, and feel as much like green army men to me as they do models for a specific game. Since I had a set of them, I figured I should probably just do them up instead of paying thirty-something dollars for a box of tac marines.
Since they were already built the next part was pretty easy. Because inevitably their armor will be something dark I went with black primer, and an ample amount of it. Since it was a nice summer day I grabbed a beer ( was 10:00 AM so...) and moved my priming operation outside. First I stood them all up and primed around them in all directions. Then face up:
Then face down:
Once they guys were all dry and I had done a good 45 min shift making sure the chair on our back deck didn't get away I picked everyone up and moved indoors. The next step was going to be to base them all in one fell swoop. But I noticed that despite my gallant efforts, there were still parts of gray plastic showing. So I broke out some Chaos Black and thinned it a little with water and grabbed my tank brush.
I went over the models quickly, all the while having the Rolling Stones stuck in my head, getting the gray I saw poking through, which was mainly like the tiny areas of space between the side of the armor and the shoulder pad, or something equally as irksome.
So now that everything was the blackest black in black land I figured I had enough time to get the bases done before I had to move onto not morning-drinking and toy soldiers. My first color for the bases was Catachan Green.
After that it got a wash, well dowsing really, of Devlan Mud. Once that was dry I drybrushed in Codex Gray and then Fortress Gray. Eventually I will paint the ring graveyard Earth, but if I do it now I would just rub a lot of it off as I was painting the models. In the final touches some static grass will be added as well.
That's what I got for now, kinda weak sauce that I made you read a book to see a guy prime and base models. It'll get better, or at least I hope you think it does.
Thanks for reading,