I am elated, and more than a little proud, to show off this Njal. I didn't do it, my younger brother did. I used to call him my little brother, but he is taller than me, so I had to switch up to "younger". Anyway, I think this model is an awesome achievement, as I can remember just a few months back as I sat with him and showed him the basics of line-highlighting and blending. He has made an incredible leap with this model, and I am proud of him. Here is a few more pics:
Still more "stuff" amidst our whole grip is that myself and some old, and new friends, are kicking off another Planetary Empires campaign. I am using the same tiles I did a year or so back. I snapped a few quick shots of them reconfigured for this planet, before they become all worn-torn and grim-dark-dark-grimness as our battles rage across them:
Lastly, I am still plugging away at my AoBR project. I started on the dred, but might change to the tac squad if they are better suited for our club's next painting challenge. Speaking of that, there were some pretty cool entries listed this month, so if you have a second and a yuku account, go
here and vote for what ya like.
Thanks for reading,