Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Assault on Assault on Black Reach Part 6

From Stuff I Have Painted: Space Marines
Brother-Sergeant Leonis and his Deathwing are ready to assault Black Reach...kind of. While the painting is done, I still need to add decals (Which I am waiting on from Forge World.) as well as some static grass. After that I will give them a shot of dull coat to even out the shine on them. Anyway, here are a few more pics:
From Stuff I Have Painted: Space Marines
From Stuff I Have Painted: Space Marines
From Stuff I Have Painted: Space Marines

Sorry about the crap pics. I am not able to set up my portable light box atm, but I will give them a proper shoot as soon as I can. I used flesh to highlight the reds, and I am not any more crazy about it then progressing up through orange. I am still questing for red highlights I like.

Thanks for reading,


  1. Looking good.

    For the highlights I know a few folks, like the guys at Massive Voodoo, like dwarf flesh for their red highlights. Heard of using a mix of orange brown, like GW vomit brown, with the red basecoat for highlights. That might work best for you with a primarily bone model. Stays away from the pink or overtly orange tone that kind of clashes with the bone.

  2. Yeah, I kind of pray at the alter of Massive Voodoo so that was where I got it from. I think you probably hit on something with the dull red being absorbed by the dull bone. It might pop a little more and not bother me as much juxtaposed with the green on the normal marines. I could probably brighten it up a little by adding some yellow to the red wash I do at the end.

    We shall see! And thanks for the advice Winterman. Maybe some day you will write a guest-painter post that I can put up at the ol' MPB...jus' sayin'...

  3. These guys look superb. The bone is excellent and the freehand for the heraldry is quite inspiring. I was wondering what do for my blackreach squad and now I know! So thanks for that. It is nice to see someone else who makes use of greens and reds on their Deathwing in a similar way to me.

    I think the flesh highlight has worked really well on the leather. I used bleached bone, as Ron did for the Flesh Tearers, on the red for my Dreadnought and that turned out ok. I was using a very fine brush (a Reaper super micro or something) which let me get a very fine edge highlight, so most of the surface us covered by red rather than highlight.

  4. @Sendraks- Bleached bone with the red wash? I was thinking about giving that a try. I would love to hear about others who have tried it.

    And thanks for the kind words. The more Deathwing out their the merrier!
